Saturday, December 17, 2011

Romney snags endorsement from South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (Daily Caller)

Mitt Romney picked up a major South Carolina endorsement on Friday from the state?s governor, Nikki Haley.

?The election next November will have ramifications for generations,? Haley said. ?Neither South Carolina nor the nation can afford four more years of President Obama, and Mitt Romney is the right person to take him on and get America back on track.?

Haley, who will serve as co-chairman of the Romney campaign?s national steering committee, announced her endorsement on ?Fox and Friends? this morning. On Friday, Romney will campaign with her in Greenville. They?ll also appear together at events Saturday in Charleston and Myrtle Beach.

Haley, viewed as a rising star in the Republican party, was elected to the gubernatorial seat in the Palmetto State in 2010. Her rise was aided with help from an endorsement by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who listed her as one of her ?mama grizzlies.?

?It is an honor to have the endorsement of Governor Haley,? said Mitt Romney. ?As a successful businesswoman who entered public service so government could better serve the people, Governor Haley?s career-long efforts to reform government, make government more accountable to the taxpayers, and fight wasteful spending should be examples for leaders across the country.?

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