Monday, February 13, 2012

Health and fitness for body, mind, spirit and Aging | Healthy Tips


Male or female, maintaining youth is something we all desire. It?s human nature. In early biblical times was not uncommon to live over 100 years and remain productive (mental, physical and sexual, even). For example, Abraham and Sarah had her long-awaited child in 100 and 91, respectively, and Caleb to 85 years to fight and reclaim their land with the same energy and passion for 40 years. These people were obviously doing something right.

Well, the world has changed dramatically since the early days, and our diet and lifestyle is far from what was the norm for thousands of years ago. With the current average life expectancy of 77 years, the question many of us continue

to ask is exactly what (in the modern world), we can maintain our youthful glow and maintain productivity with advanced age?

Studies have shown that the best prevention against aging through the promotion of health and fitness of body, mind and spirit. So here are some tips to prevent aging and habits that are sure to promote health and fitness of your body, mind and spirit.

Eating healthy: eating right is very important for your health

* Limit intake of foods that are hard to digest and avoid processed foods
* Stay as re-hydrates your body depends on water consumption to operate
Eat more fish, fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins and minerals to stimulate the immune system, maintain good vision, prevention of illness and eliminate toxins
* Minimize consumption of salt and sugars tend to cause or aggravate hypertension, chronic diseases and metabolic disorders

The outdoor exercise / physical: Physical activity is essential for the welfare

* Get a little sunshine in your life ? medical experts agree that the sun stimulates the brain to release a very important hormone smell good for your body, known as inhibitors
* The outdoor activity can also be connected with the world around you and is great for engaging your body and mind
* Get a breadth of fresh air ? why not take regular breaks campaigns, especially if you live and work in a pressure from pollution, congestion of the upper town
* Participating in endurance sports such as walking, climbing, cycling, because it keeps your body and mind strong
* To relieve muscle tension and minimize falls and sports injuries, stretching and floor exercise regulate other

Relaxation: there is nothing that young people heal faster than the stress

* Spend time with your busy schedule just for you to do something creative and rewarding
* Develop faith and prayer life are important to keep your mind at peace, even amidst the challenges of life
* The Eastern folk practices such as meditation (yoga) and Tai Chi are excellent tools to help develop awareness and balance of body and mind.

Social life: we are social beings, created by and for the best performance of the company of other

* Get out and meet new people, share experiences and learn from others
* Take time for family or for the promotion and make a positive contribution in someone?s life
* Be inspired and challenged by others as yourself involved in groups, clubs and societies that are of interest

Mental activity: a strong mind and is able to protect assets and the development of

* Have a positive attitude towards life (which is reflected in his words and thoughts) is a key requirement for a healthy mind and a strong spirit
* Take time to dream, plan, prepare and set goals for your life, no matter their age. It gives hope and encouragement for the future
* Instead of resisting change, new opportunities and challenges, many of reading and learning new skills in life is a journey, not perfect, but rewarding

Life is as big or as small as liberating and oppressive as you think. Having a positive attitude and develop healthy habits for your body, mind and spirit are essential in the fight against aging, maintaining healthy and youthful glow, whatever your age.

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