Saturday, June 30, 2012

Neil Young Journeys: movie review

'Journeys' is a feast for Neil Young devotees and initiates alike.

By Peter Rainer,?Film critic / June 29, 2012

Musician Neil Young (l.) is the center of director Jonathan Demme (r.)'s new documentary.

Victoria Will/AP


Jonathan Demme?s ?Neil Young Journeys? is his third documentary about the legendary rocker. Unlike the previous entries, this one is essentially a solo concert film, recorded over several nights in Toronto?s Massey Hall in May 2011.

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?Peaceful Valley Boulevard,? After the Gold Rush,? ?You Never Call? and many others classics are sung, and a tiny camera mounted below Young?s microphone gets up close and personal with the singer. We also hear Young reminiscing as he drives to the concert from his hometown of Omemee, Ontario. A feast for Neil Young lovers and initiates alike. Grade: A- (Unrated.)


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Flight attendant loses cool aboard NYC plane

Closed captioning of: Flight attendant rants at complaining passengers

>>> let's begin this half hour with a flight attendant who lost his cool after passengers started complaining about a long delay. it was all caught on tape. nbc's ron mott has details on this. ron , good morning to you.

>> hey, matt, good morning. if you've flown more than a couple of times, you start to tune out announcements flight attendants make. not on this flight. the flight attendant was trust traited, not because seat backs and tray tables with weren't in their upright and locked positions. american eagle flight 4607 from raleigh-durham, north carolina was grounded for five drama filled hours because of weather. the delay pushing the crew to its time limit for the day.

>> if you have [ bleep ] otherwise you're going to have to fly with jose.

>> passengers dave abels flying with his nine-year-old daughter caught the incident on video.

>> the more people spoke up, the more he was getting angry at us and crazy.

>> the line for takeoff was so long and tensions so high, the pilot eventually returned to the gate.

>> unfortunately our hands are tied. we cannot leave until that's obtained.

>> reporter: tempers reached a boiling point and cops showed up.

>> he doesn't care. that's what he got on the intercom and told everybody.

>> serrano and passengers were questioned by the police but no one was arrested.

>> the captain wasn't back here.

>> we're going to finish this discussion on the jet way.

>> the passengers from indie rock band several fellow travelers deserve some of the blame.

>> i think jose probably suffered the brunt of a lot of the frustration of the banks. i noticed at one point it seemed like he was tearing up. i could tell he was upset.

>> reporter: parent company american airlines said passengers were threatening and unhappy. but said it had been a long day for our customers on board as well as our crew. we do apologize. eventually the flight was canceled. nbc reached out to serrano for comment. american airlines spokesperson said the incident is under review, they do not discuss personnel matters. they sent an e-mail from a first class passengers who said passengers were verbally abused.

>> ron , thank you very much.


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7/23/2012 - 7/27/2012 : HS Football Camp

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Friday, June 29, 2012

The School of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy ? HND ? As

There is an established (since 1957) School of Physio and Occu Therapy affiliated to the National Hospital Colombo. It trains physiotherapists on a 2 year program for an HND to absorb into hospitals by the Ministry of Health. It is considered a vocational institute that gives focused job training.? Practical training in the National Hospital is an integral part of the course, where they go on rounds and help with physical therapy for recovering patients. I was also given physical therapy from these students when I was recuperating in hospital after surgery for a broken femur. The syllabus given is outdated and apparently not changed since 1956. They take students with basic A levels and as it is a diploma awarding institution it required minimal entry standards that included aptitude tests. However lately it has been decided only to recruit a number of students from Provincial levels, so that after training they can be sent back there to work. So a provincial allocation has just been gazzeted that has done away with aptitude tests and made entry even easier. This is likely to reduce their standard. Further the quantity intake is not based on any criteria, but on the whims of the Government as to how many they require leading to inconsistent entry requirements. It must be noted that these students get a stipend of Rs12,000 a month during their training period for the two year Higher National Diploma.(HND) In the meantime, the Applied Health Sciences Faculties of both the University of Colombo and the University of Peradeniya have established a Special Degree program in Physical Therapy leading to a BSc in Physical Therapy. This is a 4 year course that commenced in 2006, where the first batch qualified 18months previously and have yet to receive appointments into the Health Department. Each University churns out 30 students each year, only giving the country 60 graduates a year qualified in Physical Therapy, none of whom have yet received appointments into the Health Department hospitals. There is a pay anomaly, where the diploma holder is on pay scale similar to nurses. The degree holders currently have not been assigned a pay scale and this may be part of the reason for them not receiving appointments as yet. Those Graduates are now agitating for a pay scale commensurate with their qualifications, higher than for the HND holders. They fear that the Health department does not wish to give them a higher grade, explaining the delay in appointments. They have been promised ?that the School of Physiotherapy will be closed once these graduates come out, so they will not face any competition. I must also mention that there are over a thousand vacancies in the Health Sector that are not filled for physical therapy and the current carder in all the hospitals is only 390. Physical Therapy is the career in greatest demand the world over and the need for physical therapists in Sri Lanka is immense as there are thousands of patients who require physical therapy. It is therefore ironic that we in Sri Lanka have over 60 physical therapy graduates without employment appointments in the state health services sector. My personal opinion is that both the school and the degree program MUST run in tandem as they cater to the needs at different levels. The request by the degree holders to close the school is unreasonable as we need both Diploma Holders and Degree Holders to cater to the demand. The school should perhaps come clean and change the syllabus to a more current and relevant format so that the finger cannot be pointed as to the quality of the education that they receive. It is important to pay the graduates on a higher scale commensurate to their qualification. The entry requirement for these undergrads is on a par with medical students, and dental school, so they believe it is important they receive a wage commensurate to the standard of work they perform. It is also apparent the reason they have not received appointment letters is that they have not been able to agree on their pay scale, that the new graduates demand. They will not accept the same grade as the diploma holders. The demand for the closure of the Physiotherapy school as mentioned earlier is unfair. We need even lower qualified people to do this work in the private and public sector and should not encourage exclusivity. The quality of the degree is on a par with University Education overseas and so they MUST NOT impose the closure. The university syllabus is current, and will fulfill all requirements of International Employment as there is a shortage of physical therapists. I believe graduates of Physical Therapy must be hired at the appropriate pay scale. I also believe the school should continue churning out two year diploma holders, which also fills a great void in the national requirements, both for Degree Holders AND Diploma Holders.

I wish to point out that there are private tertiary institutions that also do HND programs that are recognized for further study overseas and affiliated to overseas colleges as well as this is a profession in high demand world wide and is also a profitable venture for the private institutions to offer. With the ever increasing private tertiary establishments it is likely that more will crop up and also will be in demand by private hospitals if the quality of their output exceeds that of the state institutions. This will force the state institutions to compete at a higher level improving the quality of their courses to keep up to date.

The pressure therefore MUST be on the state to improve their output otherwise their intake will suffer, and the fee paying student gain the upper hand in this profession as well. Another rich v poor, and state v private sector battle!!


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Video: California Foie Gras Ban

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Foreclosure in America | Real Estate Investing Facts

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At first glance, last seasons foreclosures statistics seem to demonstrate that the nation?s foreclosures turmoil is on the decline.

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But in fact, millions of home owners are still struggling with foreclosures. For many, the painful procedure is taking even a longer period than it used to. And the turmoil is expected to last for decades.

?People are in the foreclosures procedure for a longer period, and their situations are getting more complicated all time,? said Mullen Sawyer, professional movie director of the Oak Mountain Community Development Corporation in Worcester, which operates the NeighborWorks Home Ownership Middle of Worcester.

The decline in the foreclosures procedure has created a backlog that impacts more than just plagued home owners. Home property home bank loan foreclosures damage the real estate industry, and a weak real estate industry is a move on the financial climate.

Massachusetts Lawyer Common Martha Coakley has said the foreclosures turmoil is the individual greatest factor standing in the way of a full financial restoration.

In 2005, property home bank loan foreclosures affected just 1 % of home mortgages in New Britain, according to the New Britain Public Policy Middle at the Government Source financial institution of Birkenstock boston. Home property home bank loan foreclosures leaped in 2006 and have kept high since then.

Figures from the Boston-based Warren Team present foreclosures applications, the first step in the foreclosures procedure, tumbled 43 % in Worcester County from 2010 to 2011. At the condition level, applications dropped 47 %.

?It may deceive individuals to think property home bank loan foreclosures are last seasons problem,? said Jimmy M. Warren Jr., us chief executive of the Warren Team. ?I happen to think we?re going to see an uptick this year.?

The statistics don?t reflect what NeighborWorks is seeing: Each season since 2007, more families have come to the guts seeking foreclosures therapy, Mr. Sawyer said.

And at the attorney general?s office, foreclosures complaints have increased, quadrupling from 2009 to 2011.

In the fall of 2010, the nation?s greatest financial institutions stopped property home bank loan foreclosures after they were caught ?robo-signing? documents and using other methods methods to procedure property home bank loan foreclosures. Banks began with property home bank loan foreclosures this season, but more gradually.

?Because there?s such lawful risk now including property home bank loan foreclosures done wrongly, what?s happening is servicers are being absolutely sure of their certification before they?re going ahead,? said Clark L. Ziegler, professional movie director of the Birkenstock boston housing Relationship. ?It may not change the ultimate outcome? but how long the home?s in limbo is that much a longer period.?

foreclosures in the United Declares took a typical of 348 times to close last one fourth, according to RealtyTrac, an Irvine, Calif.-based firm that monitors property home bank loan foreclosures. In Birkenstock Boston, property home bank loan foreclosures took 544 times on regular, RealtyTrac said.

Brandon Moore, us chief executive of RealtyTrac, said in the company?s year-end report that the lack of quality on certification and legalities means ?we are continuing to see a highly alignment foreclosures procedure that is inefficiently dealing with behind home mortgages.?

In addition to the documents decline, the foreclosure qualities are selling more gradually than they used to, because of soft demand.

Some individuals point to lawful arguments as another reason for the delay. Forty-nine states reached a $ 25 million home bank loan arrangement with five big financial institutions recently over violent foreclosures methods. The arrangement includes $ 318 million in relief for Birkenstock Boston.

Still, the Birkenstock Boston attorney general is advancing with a lawsuit getting financial institutions with other illegal foreclosures methods. The suit claims financial institutions started property home bank loan foreclosures without holding actual home mortgages and damaged the land recording procedure through the Mortgage Electronic Signing up System.

foreclosed qualities tend to sell at a discount, and property home bank loan foreclosures also have a larger impact on home. A detailed study by scientists at Harvard University and the Birkenstock Boston Institution of Technology found that property home bank loan foreclosures predict affordable costs for houses less than a quarter-mile away, and particularly for residences less than one-tenth of a kilometer away.

Data like this has experts saying the flood of property home bank loan foreclosures is reducing the nation?s financial restoration.

Edward A. Hjerpe III, chief executive and us chief executive of the Government Home Loan financial institution of Birkenstock Boston, said the real estate industry can?t recover until bank providers work through the foreclosures backlog.

?It won?t be fully normal again until much of that supply is consumed,? he said.

Katherine A. Kiel, chairwoman of the overall costs department at the College of the Holy Cross, takes a properly positive view.

?It may slow the restoration,? she said of the foreclosures backlog, Yet I don?t think it?s going to turn it one way or the other. It may put a move on the financial climate, but it may help home costs drop to where the industry comes again.?

foreclosure revenue included just 3.8 % of single-family home revenue in Birkenstock Boston last season, according to the Warren Team. But beyond the statistics, Mr. Warren said, property home bank loan foreclosures have a emotional impact on home owners.

?It has an impact on customer thinking,? he said. ?They listen to foreclosures, they listen to these sad stories. It just makes individuals say, ?Oh, gee. I don?t want to buy a home and end up like that.? ?

State and federal government bodies have established several applications to help plagued home owners prevent foreclosures. In Birkenstock Boston, the attorney general and others are forcing bank providers to prevent needless property home bank loan foreclosures by offering more bank loan variations.

?This turmoil has frozen the whole industry,? Ms. Coakley said. ?It is affecting the whole financial climate. Until we secure it and allow for individuals again to build equity in their residences, we?re not going to have the kind of growth in individual customer wealth that we need.?

Richard J. McNally, chief executive of Security First Mortgage, indicated hope that federal assistance applications would ?stop the blood loss,? but he said the turmoil is far from over.

?We?re probably into this for a good four to six decades before we really come out of it,? he said. ?Originally, they were saying we should be out of this now. It?s all really mind-boggling.?


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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Coverage for most Americans, a scramble for states

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AC Costs Got You Heated? Try These 9 Ways To Chill Your Bills ? In ...

Summer already got you down? We?re in the midst of a heat wave in the middle of the country. Tulsa tied a 101 year old record Monday when the high temperature hit 105 degrees. On Tuesday, the heat index soared to 112! With heat like that, your air conditioner is working overtime, and draining your wallet.

The U.S. Department of Energy says heating and air conditioning your home take a 43 percent bite from your monthly utility bill.? has 9 ways to reduce those costs this summer:


  • Improve plantings around your house.?That?ll help stop the sun from reaching inside your home.
  • Clothe your windows.?Screens and window films can reflect heat before it can be transmitted through glass.
  • Flip a switch.?Set your AC?s thermostat at 78 degrees when you?re home, and higher when you?re away.
  • Fan it.?Use fans to circulate air inside?the house.
  • Chill in the basement.?If you have one, basements are the coolest place in the house.
  • Don?t bake or cook on the stove.?A no-brainer.?Ovens?and stoves put off heat. Really?
  • Maintain or replace your AC.?That goes for replacing your filters often.
  • Let humidity set your AC pace.?On humid?days, set the AC fan speed on low. The slower air movement through the AC equipment removes?more moisture from the air, improving comfort in your home.
  • Splash in the bath.?Or shower. Or pool. Or sprinklers. Or ?.. You get the idea.

Click?here?for more info on cooling down air-conditioning costs.

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Individual mandate survives a 5-4 vote with Roberts voting to keep it

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[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

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[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Progress in quest to reduce use of radiation in treatment of pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma

Progress in quest to reduce use of radiation in treatment of pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2012
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Contact: Summer Freeman
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Trial led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital investigators succeeds in keeping cure rates high for young patients with favorable-risk Hodgkin lymphoma while reducing their chances of serious treatment side effects

A multicenter trial showed that nearly half of young patients with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma can be cured without undergoing either irradiation or intensive chemotherapy that would leave them at risk for second cancers, infertility, heart and other problems later.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital investigators led this multi-institution study, which focused on pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma patients without widespread disease or symptoms such as weight loss, fever and night sweats. The findings will likely spur efforts to identify patients with even more advanced disease whose cancer could be effectively treated with less irradiation.

"This study adds to evidence that it is possible to omit radiation even in patients treated with a less intense chemotherapy regimen and still achieve excellent long-term survival," said Monika Metzger, M.D., an associate member of the St. Jude Department of Oncology. She is the first and corresponding author of the research, which is published in the June 27 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"These results will help push efforts to further adapt therapies based on a patient's disease risk factors and early response to treatment with the goal of eliminating radiation for as many patients as possible," she said. Metzger said the findings point to the possibility that elderly Hodgkin patients with similarly limited disease and who are less able to tolerate intensive chemotherapy may also be candidates for the minimal treatment approach used in this study.

For decades, radiation has been a staple of Hodgkin lymphoma treatment in children and adults. In children, radiation and chemotherapy have helped push long-term survival rates for patients with favorable-risk disease to better than 90 percent. But radiation leaves patients vulnerable to second cancers and other serious problems later. By the 1990s, work was underway in earnest to identify patients who could be cured without radiation.

Hodgkin is found in 850 to 900 children and adolescents each year and accounts for an estimated 6 percent of all childhood cancers. The disease strikes the lymph system, which includes the lymph nodes, tonsils and other immune system components.

This study involved 88 patients whose cancer had spread to less than three lymph node groups and surrounding tissue. None of the patients reported fever, weight loss or other symptoms also associated with a worse outcome. About one-third of young Hodgkin lymphoma patients fall into this favorable risk category. The patients were treated between March 2000, and December 2008, at St. Jude; Stanford University Medical Center; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital, both in Boston; and Maine Medical Center, in Portland. One patient withdrew early and was not included in the results.

The patients all received four rounds of chemotherapy with the drugs vinblastine, Adriamycin, methotrexate and prednisone, a combination known as VAMP. Unlike some other chemotherapy agents used to treat Hodgkin lymphoma, none of these drugs is linked to second cancers or infertility. One, Adriamycin, belongs to a family of drugs that can lead to heart damage, but at much higher cumulative doses.

Radiation was recommended for patients whose tumors had not shrunk at least 75 percent following two rounds of chemotherapy. Those patients received low-dose irradiation of 25.5 grays to the tumor and surrounding tissue.

For patients with a favorable initial response to chemotherapy, omitting radiation had no impact on their survival either two years or five years after their diagnosis. Those patients fared no worse than patients who received radiation therapy after the opening rounds of chemotherapy resulted in only a partial response. All patients followed for at least five years were still alive regardless of their initial treatment.

More than 88 percent of the five-year survivors were cancer-free. Patients in both treatment groups were equally likely to enjoy that status.

Cancer returned in 11 patients, including five not initially treated with radiation. The recurrence was successfully treated with chemotherapy and low-dose irradiation. Four patients who received irradiation during their treatment received high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants when their cancer returned. One patient was successfully treated with a more intensive chemotherapy and radiation combination than the one that initially worked, but that patient did not undergo a bone marrow transplant. Another patient relapsed with a form of lymphoma known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Despite treatment, that patient later died of the disease.

Metzger said the findings suggest that for a subgroup of Hodgkin lymphoma patients this therapeutic regimen may not be appropriate. These are patients with nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin. Of the five patients in the chemotherapy-only group who relapsed, four had this subtype.


The other authors are Howard Weinstein, Alison Friedmann, Torunn Yock and Nancy Tarbell, all of Massachusetts General Hospital; Melissa Hudson, Scott Howard, Matthew Krasin, Larry Kun, Catherine Billups and Jianrong Wu, all of St. Jude; Amy Billett and Karen Marcus, both of Dana-Farber; Eric Larsen, Maine Medical Center; and Sarah Donaldson and Michael Link, both of Stanford.

The study was funded in part by a Cancer Center Support Grant (CA021765) from the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes and ALSAC.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Since opening 50 years ago, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has changed the way the world treats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. No family ever pays St. Jude for the care their child receives and, for every child treated here, thousands more have been saved worldwide through St. Jude discoveries. The hospital has played a pivotal role in pushing U.S. pediatric cancer survival rates from 20 to 80 percent overall, and is the first and only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. It is also a leader in the research and treatment of blood disorders and infectious diseases in children. St. Jude was founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas, who believed that no child should die in the dawn of life. To learn more, visit Follow us on Twitter @StJudeResearch.

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Progress in quest to reduce use of radiation in treatment of pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jun-2012
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Contact: Summer Freeman
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Trial led by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital investigators succeeds in keeping cure rates high for young patients with favorable-risk Hodgkin lymphoma while reducing their chances of serious treatment side effects

A multicenter trial showed that nearly half of young patients with early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma can be cured without undergoing either irradiation or intensive chemotherapy that would leave them at risk for second cancers, infertility, heart and other problems later.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital investigators led this multi-institution study, which focused on pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma patients without widespread disease or symptoms such as weight loss, fever and night sweats. The findings will likely spur efforts to identify patients with even more advanced disease whose cancer could be effectively treated with less irradiation.

"This study adds to evidence that it is possible to omit radiation even in patients treated with a less intense chemotherapy regimen and still achieve excellent long-term survival," said Monika Metzger, M.D., an associate member of the St. Jude Department of Oncology. She is the first and corresponding author of the research, which is published in the June 27 edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

"These results will help push efforts to further adapt therapies based on a patient's disease risk factors and early response to treatment with the goal of eliminating radiation for as many patients as possible," she said. Metzger said the findings point to the possibility that elderly Hodgkin patients with similarly limited disease and who are less able to tolerate intensive chemotherapy may also be candidates for the minimal treatment approach used in this study.

For decades, radiation has been a staple of Hodgkin lymphoma treatment in children and adults. In children, radiation and chemotherapy have helped push long-term survival rates for patients with favorable-risk disease to better than 90 percent. But radiation leaves patients vulnerable to second cancers and other serious problems later. By the 1990s, work was underway in earnest to identify patients who could be cured without radiation.

Hodgkin is found in 850 to 900 children and adolescents each year and accounts for an estimated 6 percent of all childhood cancers. The disease strikes the lymph system, which includes the lymph nodes, tonsils and other immune system components.

This study involved 88 patients whose cancer had spread to less than three lymph node groups and surrounding tissue. None of the patients reported fever, weight loss or other symptoms also associated with a worse outcome. About one-third of young Hodgkin lymphoma patients fall into this favorable risk category. The patients were treated between March 2000, and December 2008, at St. Jude; Stanford University Medical Center; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital, both in Boston; and Maine Medical Center, in Portland. One patient withdrew early and was not included in the results.

The patients all received four rounds of chemotherapy with the drugs vinblastine, Adriamycin, methotrexate and prednisone, a combination known as VAMP. Unlike some other chemotherapy agents used to treat Hodgkin lymphoma, none of these drugs is linked to second cancers or infertility. One, Adriamycin, belongs to a family of drugs that can lead to heart damage, but at much higher cumulative doses.

Radiation was recommended for patients whose tumors had not shrunk at least 75 percent following two rounds of chemotherapy. Those patients received low-dose irradiation of 25.5 grays to the tumor and surrounding tissue.

For patients with a favorable initial response to chemotherapy, omitting radiation had no impact on their survival either two years or five years after their diagnosis. Those patients fared no worse than patients who received radiation therapy after the opening rounds of chemotherapy resulted in only a partial response. All patients followed for at least five years were still alive regardless of their initial treatment.

More than 88 percent of the five-year survivors were cancer-free. Patients in both treatment groups were equally likely to enjoy that status.

Cancer returned in 11 patients, including five not initially treated with radiation. The recurrence was successfully treated with chemotherapy and low-dose irradiation. Four patients who received irradiation during their treatment received high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants when their cancer returned. One patient was successfully treated with a more intensive chemotherapy and radiation combination than the one that initially worked, but that patient did not undergo a bone marrow transplant. Another patient relapsed with a form of lymphoma known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Despite treatment, that patient later died of the disease.

Metzger said the findings suggest that for a subgroup of Hodgkin lymphoma patients this therapeutic regimen may not be appropriate. These are patients with nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin. Of the five patients in the chemotherapy-only group who relapsed, four had this subtype.


The other authors are Howard Weinstein, Alison Friedmann, Torunn Yock and Nancy Tarbell, all of Massachusetts General Hospital; Melissa Hudson, Scott Howard, Matthew Krasin, Larry Kun, Catherine Billups and Jianrong Wu, all of St. Jude; Amy Billett and Karen Marcus, both of Dana-Farber; Eric Larsen, Maine Medical Center; and Sarah Donaldson and Michael Link, both of Stanford.

The study was funded in part by a Cancer Center Support Grant (CA021765) from the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes and ALSAC.

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Since opening 50 years ago, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital has changed the way the world treats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases. No family ever pays St. Jude for the care their child receives and, for every child treated here, thousands more have been saved worldwide through St. Jude discoveries. The hospital has played a pivotal role in pushing U.S. pediatric cancer survival rates from 20 to 80 percent overall, and is the first and only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children. It is also a leader in the research and treatment of blood disorders and infectious diseases in children. St. Jude was founded by the late entertainer Danny Thomas, who believed that no child should die in the dawn of life. To learn more, visit Follow us on Twitter @StJudeResearch.

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Obama and Biden strike at Romney on overseas jobs

President Barack Obama stops at The Varsity restaurant, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama stops at The Varsity restaurant, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama places an order at The Varsity restaurant, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama shakes hands with patrons during his visit to The Varsity restaurant, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama picks up a boy as he visits The Varsity restaurant, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

President Barack Obama shakes hands with Fulton County, Ga., Chairman John Eaves as Dekalb County, Ga., CEO Burrell Ellis and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed look on, upon Obama's arrival on Air Force One at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Tuesday, June 26, 2012, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Paul Abell)

(AP) ? President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden unleashed a back-to-back assault Tuesday on Republican challenger Mitt Romney, re-emphasizing Democratic assertions that Romney as a venture capitalist sent U.S. jobs overseas and paid no heed to the impact on American workers.

"You've got to give Mitt Romney credit," Biden said while campaigning in Iowa. "He's a job creator in Singapore, China, India."

Obama, who was holding fundraisers in Atlanta and Miami, cast his Republican rival as the type of wealthy investor whose only goal was making money no matter the cost.

"Governor Romney and his allies believe that we should go back to the top-down economics of the last decade. They believe that if we eliminate regulations and we cut taxes by trillions of dollars, we just leave the market alone, that everybody will prosper," Obama said in Miami Beach. "They argue that if you help corporations and wealthy investors maximize their profits by whatever means necessary, whether it be layoffs or outsourcing, union busting or whatever means are available, that will automatically translate into jobs and prosperity to benefit everybody."

Behind the criticism of Romney's business record is the Obama campaign's belief that the effort to undermine a potential Romney strength ? his experience as the successful head of the private equity firm Bain Capital ? is yielding results and raising questions with voters.

Biden made note of news reports that Bain took over firms that sent jobs to China and India and opposed union efforts to increase wages and improve benefits. The Romney campaign has argued that the reports aren't accurate and don't take into account how work done overseas supports U.S. exports.

"The president and I don't see American workers as part of the problem. We see them as the heart of the solution," he said.

Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul called Biden's comments misleading and said they were an effort to distract voters from Obama's "disastrous economic record."

"President Obama has failed to meet his own standard for lowering unemployment because he has no idea what it takes to get our economy moving again," Saul said in a statement. "On Day One, Mitt Romney will take action to jumpstart our economy and give job creators the incentives they need to thrive here in America."

The back and forth on Romney's business record has become a familiar campaign theme. A political committee supporting Obama began airing an ad over the weekend accusing Romney of making millions while shutting down an Indiana paper plant.

Biden was beginning a two-day visit to Iowa, a swing state whose six electoral votes could be significant in the November election. He spoke to more than 400 people, many of them union members from a John Deere factory, transit workers and members of a public employees union.

For Obama, it was the second day of targeting Romney. He emphasized that their contest is a choice between ideologies, not a referendum on his own performance.

"The question is not whether we need to put more folks back to work or whether we need to see the economy growing faster or whether we need to bring down our debt," he told the crowd of donors in Atlanta. "The question is how do we do it."

The president held two fundraisers in Atlanta, followed by two events in Miami Beach, including a performance by singer Marc Anthony, raising at least $2.3 million.

Obama was holding the fundraisers at the start of a pivotal week for his campaign. The Supreme Court is expected to rule on his health care overhaul law on Thursday, passing judgment on the most significant piece of legislation during his presidency.

And it comes as Obama and his team have warned that Romney and his Republican allies would outspend him during the presidential campaign.

In an e-mail to supporters Tuesday, Obama bluntly stated: "I will be the first president in modern history to be outspent in his re-election campaign, if things continue as they have so far."

The urgent tone was designed to spur more giving. Until last month, Obama had been by far the leading fundraiser in the presidential contest. But Romney, after securing the nomination, has consolidated his support.

Romney raised more than $76 million last month for his presidential campaign and for the GOP, compared to $60 million for Obama and the Democrats. Obama's advisers say they expect Republican-leaning super PACs to pull in $1.2 billion before the election, posing a big-money challenge for the president. Obama has more than $100 million in his campaign account, but Democratic super PACs have struggled to raise money.

Obama has now raised the stakes, saying that even without the help of GOP-leaning super PACs, Romney could still outspend him.

"You're going to have more money spent in this election than ever before by the other side on negative ads," Obama said in Atlanta. "And their message will be simple. They'll say, the economy is bad and it's Obama's fault."


Associated Press writer David Pitt contributed to this report from Waterloo, Iowa.

Associated Press

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Good Lord, How Many Introduction Threads Will I Create?

Hey there, Sandvich! Nice to meet you, and whatnot. I'm Sato, a longtime member around these parts. Nice to have you joining us here .. again. :P

Welcome back, though, seriously. You may have noticed some changes around here. As always, be sure to check out "Our Rules" (viewable at the top of the page) to keep yourself familiar with the standards we hold ourselves to, as a community.

Now that the boring rules stuff is out of the way, it's great to have you back here in our little corner of the internet. :D If you're looking to start a Space Western RP, then best of luck to you! There's a small niche of players who might be interested in that, actually.

I'll be sure to keep a look out fer ya.

If you have any questions about anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask!


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West Jefferson NC Real Estate For Sale - Land For Sale In NC and ...

West Jefferson, North Carolina is located just east of the Cherokee National Forest and just south of the Virginia border. Before the Norfolk and Western Railroad, better known as the ?Virginia Creeper,? began utilizing the town as a depot, it was sparsely populated and mostly known for its orchards. As the railway began to bring commerce to the area, the town expanded and was further supported by the local textile industry. Unfortunately, both of these areas of the economy dried up, but today the small town is thriving due to a healthy tourism industry.

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The areas just outside of the downtown are also becoming home to many retirees who are looking for a beautiful, quiet place to spend their retirement. West Jefferson is located directly in the Appalachian Mountains and offers spectacular views and plenty of outdoor activities. The New River flows through town and offers ideal conditions for fishing, canoeing, tubing, and kayaking. The surrounding mountains also offer plenty of opportunities for hiking and exploring the natural wonders of North Carolina. The stunning landscape has lead many annual tourists to transition into full-time residents once they retire.

West Jefferson North Carolina

Although West Jefferson is a small, mountain town, it still has plenty of attractions to keep you busy. It is especially known as an artistic hub that is home to many shops and galleries that feature local artists. There is even an art walk that will take you through town and highlight 15 different murals that celebrate the area. You can also enjoy local produce year round at the farmers? market and fresh cheese from the Ashe County Cheese Store, which has been open since 1930. If you are in the mood for a little entertainment, there are several different venues and organizations that hold concerts and put on productions of different plays. With all these attractions and annual festivals, there is always something to do if you feel like getting out of the house and enjoying the community.

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One of the main reasons retirees are attracted to west Jefferson is because it seems like such a quiet and out of the way town, yet it is located only 25 miles north of Boone, which is a bustling college town. This means that you can enjoy the best of many different worlds. You will have the mountains and the charm of West Jefferson at your front door and you can easily drive down to Boone to enjoy a town full of great restaurants and a lively nightlife. Retirement doesn?t have to mean slowing down and hiding away in the mountains. Living in West Jefferson means that the choice is entirely yours. Opportunities to get out and enjoy both physical and cultural activities are abundant or you can opt for a quiet night at home in front of the fire.

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While many retirees choose to start the great migration south to Florida to enjoy the warm weather, you can beat the heat and bask in a much more temperate climate in the mountains of North Carolina. The south may be known for its sweltering summers, but up in the mountains, the temperature hovers around the upper 70s and low 80s during the summer months. The winters also stay pretty mild, typically in the 40s and 50s. This means that you will still get to enjoy the changing of the seasons without have to deal with extreme weather. It will be warm enough to swim in the river during the summer and cool enough for the ski resorts to cover the mountains in the winter, so no matter what time of year it is, there is always something to get out and do.

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Retirement should be about ridding yourself of limitations and opening up possibilities. That is why West Jefferson is an ideal place to retire. It is full of opportunities to enjoy the best life has to offer when it comes to both nature and art.

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Despite Arizona immigration law, we can support immigration ...

Despite Arizona immigration law, we can support immigration services

Today's Supreme Ruling about Arizona's controversial law SB1070 does not make the immigration debate any clearer.? While the 5-3 ruling maintains the federal government's oversight of immigration policies and enforcement and knocked out three other controversial parts, the decision still gives Arizona law-enforcement officials the power to ask for a person's "papers."

In CNN's words, "the court let stand one of the most controversial parts of the bill -- a provision that lets police check a person's immigration status while enforcing other laws if 'reasonable suspicion' exists that the person is in the United States illegally."

What's unclear, however, is "reasonable suspicion."? There will be reasonable stops of people who run a red light.? But unreasonable stops happen already and more will continue.? How do I know?? It happened to me in Chicago.

When I was about twenty years old, my buddy and I drove down 63rd Street to get some tacos.? Near a gas station, a cop car slammed its brakes.? The driver jumped out and drew her gun.? "Get out!" she yelled.? We did.? We put our hands up, put them on the car, and let the cops frisk us.? We didn't get an explanation.? We didn't run a red light or speed down the street.? We were two young Latinos in a car on our way to get tacos.

I hear about situations all the time from good students who get harassed by cops.? My advice: "Just shut up.? Do what they say."? That's what I did at twenty.

Even though the "show me your papers" doesn't exist is Chicago, myths about immigration, legal and illegal, exist.? Many experts promise legal assistance, paperwork processing, or answers to questions, but the quality can be unreliable and the cost ridiculous.? This week, we can support immigration services and education and arts programs that dispel these myths and create a greater consciousness.

Since 1998, Latinos Progresando has effectively addressed the need for high-quality, accessible legal immigration services.? Nearly 20,000 immigrants and their families found a path to reunification and a lawful immigration status because of this nonprofit organization's dedicated staff.

This Wednesday, June 27, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Latinos Progresando (LP)? celebrates its success and Tomorrow's Heroes Today at Moe's Cantina on Kinzie.

Here's What Latinos Progresando Does:

  • Assists undocumented immigrants with applications for lawful permanent residency and petitions to immigrate family members
  • Aids victims of domestic violence through the Violence Against Women Act with their applications for citizenship
  • Represents clients in front of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services because LP is one of the only organizations on the South Side accredited by the Board of Immigration Appeals
  • Holds community education programs at schools, women?s shelters, and other nonprofit organizations on immigrant rights, status legalization procedures, the Violence Against Women Act, updates on immigration law
  • Dispells myths of the immigration process

Here's What They Don't Do:

Anything illegal.

All of the services provided by Latinos Progresando are legal, affordable, and abide by U.S. immigration policies.

Here's How I Know They're Good:

Aside from volunteering at their anniversary events a few years ago, I know the need for and benefit of LP's services.? A good friend of mine is an undocumented immigrant in Chicago.? For over twenty years, my friend worked hard, raised a small family, bought a home, paid taxes, and contributed to the arts.? Now, my friend's oldest child, who is a natural-born citizen, is of legal age to submit a petition so my friend's immigration status can change from undocumented to legal resident.? Latinos Progresando is assisting my friend.

Critics will raise hell along with American flags in protest.? But nothing illegal is happening.? My friend is a responsible resident and contributor to this nation.? My friend is following U.S. policy to live here legally.? Latinos Progresando is helping my friend and thousands of others understand their legal opportunities.

Here's What Else They Do:

In 2003, LP launched Teatro Americano to address the dearth of quality arts programming on the Southwest Side.

This youth theater group performs and produces plays about Latino life. The program introduces under-served youth to the arts and creates opportunities for self-expression and personal advancement.? Many of the plays are performed at Chicago public schools.

In 2005, LP's College-Bound Youth Group started providing students and their parents with information about getting into and succeeding in college, accessing financial aid, and finding professional advancement resources.? Through their workshops, youth advocated for the passage of the DREAM Act on their own behalf, even securing a meeting in the office of Senator Richard Durbin of Illinois, the bill?s co-author.

The group's efforts contributed to the movement that led President Obama to begin immigration reform by stopping the deportation of undocumented young people and granting them work permits if they meet this criteria:

  1. Came to the United States under the age of sixteen
  2. Have continuously resided in the United States for a least five years and are present in the United States now
  3. Are currently in school, have graduated from high school, have obtained a general education development certificate, or are honorably discharged veterans of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the United States
  4. Have not been convicted of a felony offense, a significant misdemeanor offense, multiple misdemeanor offenses, or otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety
  5. Are not above the age of thirty

As a teacher, I know many students who will benefit from and deserve this opportunity.? As a supporter of Latinos Progesando, I'm proud to promote an organization that educates young people to take on reasonable positions of power so they can change their lives, and others', positively.

Here's How You Can Help:

1. Become a supporter: Attend the Latinos Progresando Tomorrow's Heroes Today event on Wednesday

2. Become a hero: Make a tax-deductible contribution through LP's 100 Heroes Campaign and support their immigration services or arts and education programs

3. Become more informed: Like LP's Facebook page to stay accurately informed about their services and success

To buy tickets, make a donation, or stay informed, visit .

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