Thursday, June 28, 2012

AC Costs Got You Heated? Try These 9 Ways To Chill Your Bills ? In ...

Summer already got you down? We?re in the midst of a heat wave in the middle of the country. Tulsa tied a 101 year old record Monday when the high temperature hit 105 degrees. On Tuesday, the heat index soared to 112! With heat like that, your air conditioner is working overtime, and draining your wallet.

The U.S. Department of Energy says heating and air conditioning your home take a 43 percent bite from your monthly utility bill.? has 9 ways to reduce those costs this summer:


  • Improve plantings around your house.?That?ll help stop the sun from reaching inside your home.
  • Clothe your windows.?Screens and window films can reflect heat before it can be transmitted through glass.
  • Flip a switch.?Set your AC?s thermostat at 78 degrees when you?re home, and higher when you?re away.
  • Fan it.?Use fans to circulate air inside?the house.
  • Chill in the basement.?If you have one, basements are the coolest place in the house.
  • Don?t bake or cook on the stove.?A no-brainer.?Ovens?and stoves put off heat. Really?
  • Maintain or replace your AC.?That goes for replacing your filters often.
  • Let humidity set your AC pace.?On humid?days, set the AC fan speed on low. The slower air movement through the AC equipment removes?more moisture from the air, improving comfort in your home.
  • Splash in the bath.?Or shower. Or pool. Or sprinklers. Or ?.. You get the idea.

Click?here?for more info on cooling down air-conditioning costs.

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