Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Yahoo CEO raids Google to hire top lieutenant

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ? Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has lured away one of Google?s top advertising executives to help engineer a turnaround at Yahoo.

Henrique de Castro is leaving Google to become Yahoo?s chief operating officer in early next year.

The surprise move announced Monday is Mayer?s highest profile hiring since she left Google Inc. in July to run Yahoo Inc.

By raiding the ranks of her former employer, Mayer risks raising tensions between Yahoo and Google.

The 47-year-old de Castro has been working at Google since 2006. He is currently vice president of a major division that works with Google?s advertisers. De Castro will begin work at Google by Jan. 22.

To entice de Castro to defect, Yahoo is giving him a compensation package valued at about $58 million.

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.


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