Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Most Popular Scientific American Stories of 2012

Here are the stories you clicked on the most on our site


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  1. 1. hanbroekman 07:38 AM 12/24/12

    The link for #1 is wrong

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  2. 2. Chryses 07:56 AM 12/24/12

    Yes. #4. How Hollywood Is Encouraging Online Piracy, was n eye-opener for me.

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  3. 3. Stagnaro 10:20 AM 12/24/12

    Admittedly, all most popular American Sceintific Stories are really interesting and fascinating. However, I find both enlightening and preoccupaying that readers showed to be no interested in papers suggesting new road, clinical in nature, in the war against today's growing epidemics, as CAD, type 2 DM, and Cancer.

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  4. 4. jtdwyer 03:28 PM 12/24/12

    At least 'Zip past' was only mistyped "Zippast" in this link to article #7...

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Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=3cde08bf5311a83f3b1747aa1923e982

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