Friday, January 13, 2012

Board Question #66063: Why does Jimmer look like he has a golf ball ...


Dear Curious Moll,

jimmer jaw.jpg

He has jimmy jaw, which I fully expect to be renamed Jimmer jaw any day now.

Okay, so he doesn't have an under-bite that I know of, but after stumbling across the phrase "jimmy jaw" it was just too good to not use.?I've been up and down all the basketball forums, and the?consensus?is that in terms of jaw abnormalities, Jimmer is simply the new Dwayne Wade. This leads me to?believe?that Jimmer's lumpy jaw is, in fact, part of a legacy being conferred on him. After all, Wade was the 2006 Sportsman of the Year, and Jimmer was the 2011 National Player of the Year in college basketball. Clearly there's some sort of large-jawed connection there. That or he's been sucking on a?monstrous?jawbreaker for most of his life.

Some people just have big jaws, so yes, he was "born that way," just like you were probably born with crooked teeth or bony shoulders, and yet you undoubtedly manage to get through your day without people looking at you like you're deformed.?

-Genuine Article

P.S. I also came across an online forum for men discussing Rudy Fernandez's crooked jaw, and how unfair it is that all the ladies love him despite having such an unsightly jawline. Who knew jaws were such a big deal?


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