Tuesday, August 7, 2012

China's Xu Lijia wins Laser sailing gold

China's Xu Lijia won the Olympic Games women's Laser sailing gold medal on Monday with Dutchwoman Marit Bouwmeester taking silver and Evi Van Acker of Belgium winning bronze.

Shanghai-based Xu, 25, added the Olympic title to the world crown she won in 2006.

Van Acker had been fourth in the overall standings ahead of Monday's last race in the series, but snatched bronze from Ireland's Annalise Murphy.

"I didn't have a very good start so tacked to the right - I know where my strengths are. I made the most of everything today," said Xu.

"I am proud of the gold, especially as I'm in Britain, because Britain and European countries are good and I want to take this experience back to China so more can experience the beauty of this sailing."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/chinas-xu-lijia-wins-laser-sailing-gold-142215638.html

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