Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Russia's 'Pussy Riot' on trial for cathedral protest

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Three women who protested against Vladimir Putin in a "punk prayer" on the altar of Russia's main cathedral went on trial on Monday in a case seen as a test of the longtime leader's treatment of dissent during a new presidential term.

The women from the band "Pussy Riot" face up to seven years in prison for an unsanctioned performance in February in which they entered Moscow's Christ the Saviour Cathedral, ascended the altar and called on the Virgin Mary to "throw Putin out!"

Maria Alyokhina, 24, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, and Yekaterina Samutsevich, 29, were brought to Moscow's Khamovniki court for Russia's highest-profile trial since former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky was convicted for a second time in 2010, in the same courtroom.

Supporters chanted "Girls, we're with you!" and "Victory!" as the women, each handcuffed by the wrist to a female officer, were escorted from a police van into the courthouse.

"We did not want to offend anybody," Tolokonnikova said from the same metal and clear-plastic courtroom cage where Khodorkovsky sat with his business partner during their trial.

"Our motives were exclusively political."

The stunt was designed to highlight the close relationship between the dominant Russian Orthodox Church and former KGB officer Putin, then prime minister, whose campaign to return to the presidency in a March election was backed clearly, if informally, by the leader of the church, Patriarch Kirill.

The protest offended many believers and left the church leadership incensed. The church, which has enjoyed a big revival since the demise of the Communist Soviet Union in 1991 and is seeking more influence on secular life, cast the performance as part of a sinister campaign by "anti-Russian forces".

The women, who have been charged with hooliganism motivated by religious hatred or hostility, have said many times they meant no offence.


In opening statements read by a defence lawyer, who sometimes struggled with the handwritten texts, they said they were protesting against Kirill's political support for Putin and had no animosity toward the church or the faithful.

"I have never had such feelings towards anyone in the world," Tolokonnikova said in her statement, describing the charge of religious hatred as "wildly harsh".

"We are not enemies of Christianity. The opinion of Orthodox believers is important to us and we want all of them to be on our side - on the side of anti-authoritarian civil activists," she said. "Our performance contained no aggression toward the public - only a desperate desire to change the situation in Russia for the better."

Pussy Riot burst onto the scene this winter with angry lyrics and surprise performances, including one on Red Square outside the Kremlin, that went viral on the Internet.

The band members see themselves as the avant-garde of a disenchanted generation looking for creative ways to show dissatisfaction with Putin's 12-year dominance of politics.

"I thought the church loved all its children, but it seems the church loves only those children who love Putin," Alyokhina's statement said.

The women looked thinner and paler than they did when they were jailed following the performance in late February, shortly before Putin, in power as president from 2000-2008 and then as prime minister, won a six-year presidential term on March 4.

"She looks like she has been on a long hunger strike," Stanislav Samutsevich said of his daughter. "I think this is like an inquisition, like mockery."

A reporter on state-run TV presented a different picture, focusing on occasional smiles and chuckles, by the women, who whispered to each other as a prosecutor read the charges.

"Look at their faces; they are laughing and joking," the reporter said on the news, adding that a viewer might think they were "continuing the action" they carried out at the cathedral.

Prosecutors asked for the trial, which was streamed live on the Internet, to be closed to the public and the media. The judge rejected the motion but ordered live streaming shut off during witness testimony and some other proceedings.

A group of conservative Russian writers called on Monday for tough punishment. Kremlin opponents, rights activists and the defendants say the charges are politically motivated.

The prosecution marked "the start of a campaign of authoritarian, repressive measures aimed to ... spread fear among politically active citizens," Samutsevich said in her statement, read out by defence lawyer Violetta Volkova.


The performance was part of a lively protest movement that at its peak saw 100,000 people turn out for rallies in Moscow, some of the largest in Russia since the Soviet Union's demise.

The prosecution dismissed accusations of political motives.

"This is not a question of our parliamentary or presidential elections, but a criminal case about ... banal hooliganism with a religious motive," said Larisa Pavlova, who represents Lyubov Sokologorskaya, one of several people who work at the cathedral and are appearing at the trial as "victims" of Pussy Riot.

Sokologorskaya, who described herself as a "profound believer", said only clerics were allowed at the altar and that the defendants' bare shoulders, short skirts and "aggressive" dance moves violated church rules and offended the faithful.

"When I talk about this event, my heart hurts. It hurts that this is possible in our country," she said. "Their punishment must be adequate so that never again is such a thing repeated."

The trial comes as Putin, who is 59 and has not ruled out seeking another term in 2018, tries to rein in opponents who hope to reignite the street protest movement this autumn.

On Monday, Putin signed a law enacting stricter punishment for defamation. That follows recent laws tightening controls on foreign-funded civil rights groups and sharply raising fines for violations of public order at street rallies.

Opposition leaders including anti-corruption blogger Alexei Navalny and socialite Ksenia Sobchak have had their homes searched and faced repeated rounds of questioning over violence at a protest on the eve of Putin's inauguration on May 7.

Lawyers for Navalny say investigators are preparing to charge him, in a separate case, with a crime punishable by up to five years in prison. He was summoned to the federal Investigative Committee on Monday and told to return on Tuesday.

Amnesty International said the Pussy Riot performers "must be released immediately" and that the prison terms they face if convicted are "wildly out of all proportion."

"They dared to attack the two pillars of the modern Russian establishment - the Kremlin and the Orthodox Church," regional programme director John Dalhuisen said in a statement.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed criticism of the case in remarks published on Monday, saying the trial was a "serious ordeal" for the defendants and their families but that "one should be calm about it" and await the outcome.

Whether the group's performance crossed the line from a "moral misdemeanour" to a crime was "up to the court to decide," Medvedev, in London for the Olympics, told the Times newspaper in an interview posted on the Russian government website.

A defence lawyer for the musicians, Nikolai Polozov, said Medvedev's comments were aimed at putting pressure on the court to "punish blasphemers".

"The court is being very one-sided, slanted towards the prosecution, which of course in our view is motivated exclusively by political bias in this case," he said.

Few Russians believe the country's courts are independent, and Medvedev acknowledged during his 2008-2012 presidency that they were subject to political pressure. (Additional reporting by Nastassia Astrasheuskaya, Writing by Steve Gutterman, Editing by Timothy Heritage and Peter Graff)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/russias-pussy-riot-trial-cathedral-protest-083219534.html

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From cancer to Olympics, twice, for US beach star

First the drug tester told American beach volleyball player Jake Gibb that he was suspended.

Then he said to call a doctor.

A quick Internet search told Gibb the abnormal levels of hormones in his blood were most often found in pregnant women, steroid users and men with testicular cancer. A biopsy soon confirmed what he had already concluded. The doping ban was subsequently lifted, but Gibb was expected to miss the Olympics anyway while recovering.

"The Olympics were out," he said in a video posted to his website in the days leading up to the London Games. "It was a tough dream to let go of. The toughest part was telling people and letting them know. Because once it came out of my mouth, it felt real."

But surgery got the cancer - all of it, meaning Gibb didn't need chemotherapy. He got back on tour with partner Sean Rosenthal and earned enough points to qualify for the London Games in the very last event of the year.

Now, Gibb is a two-time Olympian.

And a two-time cancer survivor.

"The pinnacle of our sport is the Olympic games. For me to go and put USA on my chest, it means the world to me. It's something so special," said Gibb, who has a scar on his left shoulder from a 2004 skin cancer. "It almost wasn't a reality to me. I was scared. I didn't know anything about it, didn't know how to react."

Gibb and Rosenthal, who finished fifth in Beijing, won their first match in the 2012 Games and were scheduled to play their second on Monday night against Poland. Asked in London about all that has transpired since the 2008 Olympics, Gibb politely referred a reporter to his website and declined to discuss it.

"It's too emotional," he said, his voice cracking. "The facts are out there and you can find what you need. But if I start talking to you, I'm going to start breaking down."

Rosenthal also said he didn't want to revisit the details.

"It was tough at first, but he's such a strong guy," he said. "He was working as hard as anybody."

According to spokesman Hans Stolfus, who helped produce the video at jakegibb.com, Gibb was told by USADA in December 2010 that he had abnormal levels of alpha fetoprotein and beta-hCG in his blood and he would be suspended for doping. (Beta-hCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is often taken by steroid users to combat testicular shrinkage that is a side effect of the performance-enhancing drugs.)

Before the tester hung up, he told Gibb to go see a doctor immediately - but he would not say why, Stolfus said. Gibb's Internet search found a lot of references to AFP and beta-hCG for pregnant women but only one explanation in men: testicular cancer.

"USADA actually saved his life," Stolfus said.

Surgery was scheduled.

Then, the day before he was to have his testicle removed he learned that his wife, Jane, was pregnant.

"Going through cancer and having my wife pregnant and giving birth while I was on tour, pursuing this Olympic dream, it felt like a heavy load on my shoulders. It was a very tough year," Gibb said in the video. "I realized what matters most to me, and that's health and family."

It wasn't just Gibb's Olympics at risk: It may have been too late for Rosenthal to find a quality partner and accumulate enough points to make it to London.

In a statement provided by Stolfus, Rosenthal stressed the most important thing was Gibb's health but added it was a relief to have his old partner back in time for an Olympic run - even though Gibb had to take it slow for about a month to avoid tearing open his scar.

"We really got to put volleyball in perspective after something like that. Volleyball is just a game," Rosenthal said. "Jake is one of my best friends. He's like a brother, and I wouldn't be here without him. To get through something like that and turn around and play like he has is crazy. But I'm glad I'm on his team, 'cause as far I'm concerned, he can beat anything."

Ten days after the surgery, tests showed Gibb was healthy enough to avoid chemotherapy. He and Rosenthal went back onto the international tour, where points for the Olympic rankings are accumulated, and slowly moved up the rankings before passing Nick Lucena and Matt Fuerbringer on the final weekend of qualifying for the second and final spot available to the Americans.

"Finding out that I didn't have to go through chemotherapy was the biggest relief and joy of my life to that point. It opened up my world," Gibb said. "It opened up the Olympics again, it opened up a career - just to keep competing. I feel like I'm the luckiest guy in the world to have my family and friends around me and to play the game I love."

AP Sports Writer Anne Peterson contributed to this story.

Source: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/07/30/2921155/from-cancer-to-olympics-twice.html

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Johnson dominant at Indy, wins 4th Brickyard 400

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) ? Startled awake by an earsplitting fireworks blast at 6 a.m., then annoyed by an early morning sound check session by the band that was playing the prerace show, Jimmie Johnson's day at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway didn't exactly get off to a winning start.

It ended just fine, though ? with Johnson making plenty of noise of his own.

Johnson stamped another exclamation point on his racing resume Sunday, a dominant drive that ended with his fourth career Brickyard 400 victory.

Afterward, Johnson was able to laugh about how annoyed he was by the aerial bomb blast that signaled to fans that the track's gates were open ? so annoyed, in fact, that he complained about it with a post on his Twitter account.

"I thought the motorhome next to me blew up," Johnson said. "I was looking for a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. I guess getting up earlier than I wanted to let me prepare for the day and get ready."

Johnson said he got over it quickly, and that he respects that the big boom is part of the track's tradition.

And he'd better respect Indy tradition, because he's now a big part of it.

With the win, Johnson joined Hendrick Motorsports teammate Jeff Gordon as the only NASCAR drivers to win four times at the historic 2.5-mile track, which has hosted stock car racing since 1994.

The victory also puts Johnson among some top names in the track's record books.

Only three drivers have won four Indianapolis 500s: A.J. Foyt, Rick Mears and Al Unser Sr.

Formula One ace Michael Schumacher won the U.S. Grand Prix five times on Indy's road course configuration.

"I'm able to join racing legends, my heroes and people I looked up to my entire life," Johnson said. "To join them was a huge, huge honor."

Johnson took it all in after the race, taking a victory lap in a pace car with his wife, his daughter and his crew guys all piled on board.

"You can actually soak in the moment, and look around and realize that you're at the Brickyard ? and won ? was really special," Johnson said.

And while his daughter, Genevieve, enjoyed playing with a microphone during Johnson's post race news conference, they couldn't convince her to join in as they completed the tradition of kneeling to kiss the yard of bricks at the start/finish line.

"She wasn't into it," Johnson joked.

Johnson also won the Brickyard in 2006, 2008 and 2009.

"They're that good, and they deserve it," Gordon said.

Kyle Busch finished second, followed by Greg Biffle, Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Gordon. Pole sitter Denny Hamlin was sixth.

Nobody had a car capable of challenging Johnson, who led 99 of 160 laps.

"It didn't really matter if you were in front of him or not, he was going to pass you in about four or five laps anyway," Biffle said. "His car was just really, really good."

Team owner Rick Hendrick said the win was a testament to the combined talents of Johnson and crew chief Chad Knaus.

"I think the equipment is so equal today, but you've got to look at the talent Jimmie has and the talent Chad has and the pit crew and everything else, the feedback, the communications," Hendrick said. "I've never seen a guy that could drive a car as out of control and make it look in control as Jimmie can."

And as the No. 48 team celebrated a victory, another Hendrick driver solidified his surprising status as a Sprint Cup championship front-runner.

With his fourth-place run Sunday, Earnhardt Jr. took over the points lead ? 14 points ahead of Matt Kenseth, whose day ended early in a crash with Joey Logano.

"We've persevered all year, and we've done good work all year," Earnhardt said. "I think it is a bit of a confidence booster, something I'm proud of because we've worked hard all year and we've got something to show for it."

Earnhardt took the points lead at the expense of Kenseth, whose car was banged-up and smoldering after he tangled with Logano.

"It is crazy there at the end," Kenseth said. "You could see the wreck happening and I was just hoping I wasn't going to be in it."

It also was a rough day for Carl Edwards, whose engine began losing power only a handful of laps into the race.

In his first race with new crew chief Chad Norris, Edwards qualified second but began dropping in the field after an apparent engine malfunction. Edwards finished 29th, left Indianapolis 12th in the points and is in danger of missing NASCAR's season-ending Chase.

"We have to take chances," Edwards said. "We have to go race. We can do that, we can race like that. It will actually be a big relief in a way because there is no other choice. We just go race for wins. I wouldn't bet against us. We can do it."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/johnson-dominant-indy-wins-4th-brickyard-400-202701539--spt.html

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UPDATE: Ford Australia To Close Shop in 2016

That Ford Australia recently slashed ?production to about 33,000 cars a year and laid off 440 employees are by means already telltale signs it will soon be padlocking the doors of its plants permanently in Australia.

"Ford will still be here selling cars but it will not be manufacturing cars in Australia," PPB Advisory partner Stephen Longley, a receiver for collapsed automotive supplier companies, told The Australian Financial Review.

In fact, "I don't expect them to be here after 2016 when the Euro 5 standards kick in."

Ford Australia's demise has actually been a forecast long in the making made by the industry's very own companies and experts.

For one, the sector's third largest player from local shores has been on life support for years, continuously strained under pressure from falling tariffs, more competitive imports and not to mention an increasingly growing cautious consumer.

"They are going to be closing within two to three years," James Kaias, director of automotive and defence manufacturer Abcor Group, said in the report.

"That is the consensus. I think it is pretty obvious," Mr Kaias said, noting that Ford Australia will close as soon as the Falcon nears the end of its life.

Ford Australia is one of three remaining car makers in Down Under after Nissan left in the early 1990s and Mitsubishi ended local production in 2008, the report said.

Mr Longley likewise revealed that components makers have completely written out Ford Australia from their business plans four years from now.

"It's going to be a slow death, or nearly a death by 1,000 cuts for some of the suppliers," he told?ABC local radio. "There's been no announcements. The expectation though, is that this will happen.

"And without any announcements, all the people I deal with in the supply chain are assuming this is going to be the case. So decisions are being made on the basis that Ford Australia will definitely not be around from 2016."

Read more:

Automaker Ford Cuts More Than 400 Jobs in Victoria, Australia

Australia Made "Wrong" Decision on Cash Injection - Hockey

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Source: http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/368097/20120730/ford-jobs.htm

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Why passion always leads to success - Self Improvement Tips

Why passion leads to being successful

Ever wondered how people such as Steve jobs or Michael Dell managed to create large well known multinationals out of nothing? Why did those two college drop outs succeeded in creating companies that are worth billions even though they had almost nothing to start with ? Is there some kind of a secret that can enable a person to succeed in life even if he had limited resources?

Yes of course there is a secret, and this secret is called passion.

How Success Happens

Before I tell you about the connection between passion and success, I have to tell you more about the way success happens. Ask any successful person in the world about his success story and you will find that the story goes as follows:

  1. He had a big dream and believed in it
  2. He started perusing his dream
  3. Most people started putting him down
  4. He faced devastating setbacks
  5. ?He rose up and fulfilled his dream.

For 99% of the successful people you talk to, the scenario will almost always be the same. They all share common attributes that are alike amongst others who have succeeded.

Now, ever asked yourself what fueled these people to become motivated; to move past those that were against them?

That fuel is passion!

Why Passion Always Leads to Success

This is why passion leads to success:

  1. It will motivate you to keep trying

We all know that success rarely happen from the first attempt, and that?s why you need a certain kind of motivation to keep you going?even when you fail.

People who are passionate about their dreams keep trying until they find out what works. Those who lack passion on the other hand do not find enough reasons to keep going after they fall. They simply do not have the extra fuel to keep going.

  1. It will motivate you to learn

What motivates a person to spend a full day reading about a certain topic? Again it is passion.

Success cannot happen without knowledge. In fact, the only reason people are able to succeed after a few tries is because they learn new things with each attempt, and they put that new knowledge into effect.

Doing without knowledge is dangerous. Knowledge without doing is laziness. Combine both and you will become successful.

After some time, people find that they have enough knowledge to make their dreams come true. Without passion you won?t find a reason to learn and you won?t be motivated to read. Passion makes you want to become better, to do more than what you?re capable of.

Follow Your Passion

Many people follow the herd without ever allowing themselves to go after their passions. Usually the fear of being different and the lack of courage to do what people normally won?t do holds these people back. This is why there are more unsuccessful people. ?Successful people are not afraid to leave new footprints behind. They believe in what they?re doing, and where it?ll lead them.

If you want to become successful in life, then find out the thing that you are passionate about. When you discover it, go towards it without anyone telling you that it can?t be done. Let your own passion fuel you. You cannot let others stop you if your passion for something outweighs the fear of being criticize.

Just follow your passion because that is what always leads to success.


This was a guest post written by M.Farouk Radwan. He has been writing and coaching for 2knowmyself.com since 2006.


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Source: http://selfexceed.com/inspiration-motivation/why-passion-always-leads-to-success/

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5 Ways to Reduce Your Northern Virginia Energy Bills This Summer ...

This summer has seen record-breaking heat across the nation. Keeping your Northern Virginia home cool during heat waves uses lots of energy. Even if you don?t live someplace where the temperature reaches triple digits, it?s easy to increase your utility costs by using too much energy during the summer. You?wouldn?t?leave the door wide open in January for the same reason you shouldn?t do it in July- it wastes energy and money. Implementing these five changes around your home will make it more energy efficient and keep you cool for less.

5 ways to save energy & money on electricity bills

Block Direct Sunlight

Sunlight streaming through your windows acts like an invisible heater. The more heat inside your home, the more energy your air conditioner has to use to keep it cool. Install high-quality, opaque window?blinds. By keeping them closed during the day, you?ll prevent sunlight from heating up your home. At night, if the temperature drops low enough, you can open the blinds and windows at night to let cool air circulate. Be sure to close them again by early morning, before it gets hot and sunny.

Seal Up the Leaks

Drafty doorways and older?windows?in Northern Virginia?let the cool air inside escape and hot air sneak in. More hot air forces your air conditioner to increase output, boosting your energy bills. Place weather strips around your windows and doors to keep the cool air inside.

Address any minor holes or gaps that open your home to the outside with caulk. Energy bleeds from small openings can add up quickly! If your windows are especially drafty, try taping weather film over all your window frames. The film acts like a virtual seal that prevents cool air from escaping and keeps hot air from entering.

Optimize Your Fans

When used incorrectly, a fan can actually draw hot air inside your home. How you?use your fans?determines whether you reduce or increase your energy use during the summer. If you don?t have central air, or want to rely less on air conditioning place the fan in your open window at night and close your windows in the morning. This traps the cool air inside your house and reduces the need for air conditioning.

If you run fans during the daytime you should blow air outside, otherwise they?re just blowing hot air into your house and raising the overall temperature. Kitchen and bathroom fans reduce the cool air, so don?t run them unless absolutely necessary.

Make Shade

The shade can be 10 to 15 degrees cooler than the sun, so why not take advantage and make more of it Install awnings over your windows. Keeping your windows shaded can reduce your energy up to 5 percent. Plant heavy bushes or shrubs near the sunniest parts of your home where the sun is strongest. Place any window air conditioning units in shady spots. A unit broiling under the sun needs more energy to produce cool air.

Eliminate Wasteful Energy Use

Electrical appliances continue using energy even when powered off so use your appliances efficiently. Unplug microwaves, lamps, computers, and other like devices when they are not in use.?Program your thermostat?with different settings for home, asleep, or away.

Set the washing machine to ?cold rinse? and line dry your clothing. Just those two laundry-related steps can save you 10 percent on your total energy use. Keep your refrigerator and freezer full for the most efficient operation and stop using a second garage or basement fridge.

Hopefully by implementing a few of these simple tips you can save big this summer!

Source: http://www.professionalremodelinggroup.com/blog/reduce-energy-bills/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=reduce-energy-bills

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

AT&T's Best Android Phone Is Now Just $100 [Dealzmodo]

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/w79A2qiaieU/atts-best-android-phone-is-now-just-100

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Great Tips To Help Your Home-based Business Run Smoothly ...

Many people consider commencing a residence business is difficult, but this is simply not accurate. Beginning a property company does demand work, but it is simple enough to complete. A property organization may be began with all the suitable details. The data offered in this post will help you start a home business.

Are you ready to advertise your home-based business? To assist you to prepare the cost to promote, begin with asking yourself a few key questions. Very first, look at the competition: Just how much are they spending, and just how effective does it appear to be? What certain objectives would you hope to obtain together with your collection of press and advertising position. The answer to these inquiries can serve as the cornerstone for your brainstorming process.

When running a business in your own home, give a technique for your clients to make contact with you on a regular basis! You need to be guaranteed to provide sufficient methods of make contact with to enable them to reach you at any time. Provide an addressing device for that organization, fax unit, e mail and voicemail. If they can at the very least depart a note, they are content as long as you get back to them in the reasonable amount of time.

Continuously try to find far better offers on your entire business expenses. You happen to be responsible for every piece of information relevant to your house company so it is recommended to know about how much cash you happen to be spending. Find the best rates in contrast shopping frequently. The tiny expenses tally up with time.

Be sure your site details your contact details on each web page. Buyers who are unable to get your information might get frustrated and give up browsing. Getting your details on every web page demonstrates them who they must speak to, along with permitting them to know you are interested in listening to from them, may it be excellent or poor.

Develop a subscriber list for your house company. This may be either via snail postal mail or maybe the world wide web. Permit other people understand about any promotions you are offering or perhaps advertise your organization. You can even send modest changes or publications in your clients to tell them what is going on. This can increase targeted traffic to your site.

Become familiar with your prospects. The easiest way to make it to the folks you would like to target is to discover where they normally are. If your typical customer is really a mommy, as an example, you may want to begin volunteering at colleges or play areas. Obtaining linked to your clients reveals that you care.

An excellent home-based business suggestion is in an attempt to get your potential audience. You must get your audience so that you can offer your services or products. Once you see them, try everything you may to ensure they delighted. This will insure your organization features a long life.

As stated at the beginning, starting a residence industry is not difficult. It takes perseverance, however is not difficult to accomplish. Together with the correct info, much like the suggestions presented in the following paragraphs, you could start a home organization without difficulty and also be on your way to making money.

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Source: http://articlereference.net/sports-2/great-tips-to-help-your-home-based-business-run-smoothly.html

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Internet Advertising | Praktikak

Businesses rely on advertising to expose their products and services to the general public and reach their target audience. Marketing is vital to creating revenue for a business. Internet Advertising is a form of promotion that uses the internet to deliver marketing messages and attract customers. It is the most efficient and effective way of advertising and targeting consumers in the 20th century. How does it work and what are the benefits?

Internet Advertising brings customers to your website, giving your business more exposure. One way to do this is through Blog Writing. Blogs about your company?s new product or service keeps customers coming back to your site. Blogging keeps your website current, and get?s your website noticed by search engines.

Another way to use internet advertising is by registering your business with online directories and databases. You want your business to be recognized as selling a particular product or providing a particular service. By registering your business with online directories, customers are more likely to run across your business website when performing searches for companies that provide your services.

Search Engine Optimization is another form of internet advertising. It involves choosing precise keywords that potential customer?s use, allowing search engines to pull up your website when producing search results. This is another way of promoting your business online.

Another way to use internet advertising is through online forums. Online forums give you the opportunity to provide information about your business and answer potential customer?s questions. Forums create a relationship between business owners and customers. This relationship will bring customers back when they are in need of the service or product your business provides.

What are the benefits of internet advertising? First, internet advertising is convenient. More and more people are turning to the internet to research a product or service. Potential customers can visit your website 24 hours a day, 7 days a week right from their own home.

Additionally, internet advertising is cost effective. Internet advertising cost much less than printed advertisements, sales staff or TV or Radio advertisements. You will also be able to track the effectiveness of your internet advertisements, creating a greater return on your investment.

Finally, internet advertising allows you to market worldwide. Through internet advertising you can reach customers from all over the world in less time. Take advantage of internet advertising to give your business more exposure and increase your company?s revenue!

Source: http://praktikak.org/internet-advertising

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Favorite Jelly Bean ROMs, Removing WiFi reminder on One X [From the Forums]

From the Forums

Just in case you missed out on some of the Android news today, now is the time to go ahead and get yourself fully caught up. Here on the blogs and in the Android Central Forums there is plenty to talk about. Have some questions? Need some help or just looking to chat Android? You know where to go, check out some of the threads below to get started.

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/androidcentral/~3/sM6MeFyOaRQ/story01.htm

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Flour Sack Mama: Gourds Take Over Organic Family Garden

Have you ever planted gourds in your garden? ?I don't want to discourage you. ?But I have just a word of caution: ?make sure you have enough space.

As East Tennesseans, it seemed fitting that our family would try growing the Tennessee Spinning Top gourds that Sow True Seed sent us home with this spring. ?It sounded like a fun idea, especially after our visits with Georgia gourd farmers and crafters last year. We'd get the chance to grow our own gourds. As I looked for photo opportunities, it was delightful to see the 2-inch-sized, green-striped gourds hanging from vines climbing up the nearby garden fence. ?I spotted more and more of the cute little gourds that children used to spin as tops. From those two little plants, I've now collected about 50 Tennessee Spinning Top gourds. ?They're supposed to dry or cure for a few months before they work as little toys.

As beautiful as these gourd plants were, they were choking out everything else in the vegetable bed. ?The sweet pepper plants have recently matured enough to produce, but they needed some space. ?Sadly, I may have discovered too late that the gourd vines were depriving my lavender of sunlight and air circulation. So, this week I harvested tiny gourds and severely pruned the plants. ?A more experienced gardener would have kept the plants pruned on an ongoing basis, I suppose. ?Or perhaps a cautious gardener would not have planted ornamental gourds anywhere near the regular vegetable garden. ?It's been fun watching them grow, but it was time for most of the gourds to go.

Source: http://floursackmama.blogspot.com/2012/07/gourds-take-over-organic-family-garden.html

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Smaller Small business Consultants: Stay away from Clientele ...

Quite little organizations, these with much less than a handful of PCs, typically use informal peer-to-peer networks to share files and printers. This really is in sharp contrast to an extra robust client/server network using a dedicated server laptop or computer, and often selected to keep expenses to a minimum.

They?re commonly built around a consumer-oriented operating system, for example Microsoft Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows ME.

Modest Enterprise Consultants and Peer-to-Peer Networks Don?t Mix

Although rarely utilized inside the field, a business-grade desktop OS on a dedicated, business-class Pc can offer a solid ?happy medium? between extreme low-budget solutions and additional robust (and extra highly-priced) client/server solutions.

For compact business enterprise consultants on the other hand, peer-to-peer networks are normally not a fantastic factor ? unless naturally an upgrade is imminent.

Peer-to-Peer Networks Typically Include Other Challenges

Considering the fact that peer-to-peer networks are generally selected to help keep expenses to a minimum, there is commonly tiny or no budget for outside smaller business enterprise consultants or the owner or manager has plenty of funds, but just doesn?t ?believe? in the value of technologies.

Lots of instances peer-to-peer networks go hand-in-hand with a lot of other undesirable IT difficulties, for example a total inattention to software package licensing, information security, virus protection and information backup.

The Bottom Line about Modest Small business Consultants

On the flip side nevertheless, the above ?IT-plagued? smaller business enterprise may well be so fed up with the unreliable performance of their peer-to-peer network, the owner or manager may possibly ultimately be receptive to your dedicated-server recommendations. And as their little enterprise consultant, that?s your golden chance!

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consulting Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance

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Source: http://artyapt.com/blog/smaller-small-business-consultants-stay-away-from-clientele-working-with-peer-to-peer-networks/

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Friday, July 27, 2012

BorgWarner cuts guidance as 2Q net profit falls

AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP) ? BorgWarner's second-quarter profit fell 26 percent, though the money-losing sale of its spark plug business masked what would have been a record quarter at the automotive parts supplier. Still, the company cited the slowing global economy as it sharply cut full-year forecasts for revenue and profit, sending shaes

The Auburn Hills, Mich., company earned $120.6 million from April through June, or $1 per share. That was down from $162 million, or $1.31 per share, a year earlier.

Excluding a 27-cent-per-share loss on the sale of a spark plug business to Federal Mogul Corp. and a 9-cent loss for tax adjustments, the company would have made a record $1.36 per share, it said. Revenue rose 2 percent to $1.86 billion for the quarter.

The earnings performance met Wall Street's expectations, though revenue fell shy of the consensus $1.95 billion.

BorgWarner said unfavorable foreign exchange rates lowered sales by 10 percent compared with the same quarter a year ago. U.S. companies are getting hammered by the value of the dollar because the euro has fallen so precipitously.

The company cut significantly its full-year revenue and net earnings forecasts, based on the weakening global economy, particularly in Europe. BorgWarner now expects net revenue to grow 4 percent to 6 percent, down from 10 percent to 12 percent. Net earnings are expected to fall between $5.05 and $5.25 per share, down from the previous forecast of $5.35 to $5.65. Analysts were expecting a forecast of $5.37 per share.

"Our outlook for Europe and for commercial vehicle markets around the world has been negatively impacted by the general slowdown in the global economy," Chairman and CEO Tim Manganello said. "Despite this, we expect to deliver industry-leading sales growth and record earnings this year."

Shares of BorgWarner Inc. rose 29 cents to $62.42 Thursday. The stock has changed hands between $54.59 and $87.45 in the past 52 weeks.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/borgwarner-cuts-guidance-2q-net-profit-falls-144922138--finance.html

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Science magazine prize goes to virtual world where undergrads explore DNA

Science magazine prize goes to virtual world where undergrads explore DNA [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jul-2012
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Contact: Natasha Pinol
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Computer simulation links genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution

When Brian White was a child, his kindergarten teacher wrote in his student record that he would only talk to the other children if the topic was science. Throughout his childhood, White's fascination with science led him to take batteries apart, blow things up, and to build radios and computer components.

Now an associate professor in the biology department at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, White is the winner of the Science Prize for Inquiry-Based Instruction (IBI). He won the award for his creation of Aipotu, a computer-simulated world in which students apply the tools of genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution to develop an understanding of the formation of color in a flower.

"What I'm trying to do is give people the tools to play around," says White, who explains that Aipotu is "utopia" backward. "What I've always liked about science is what you could do with what you learned."

Science's IBI Prize was developed to showcase outstanding materials, usable in a wide range of schools and settings, for teaching introductory science courses at the college level. The materials must be designed to encourage students' natural curiosity about how the world works, rather than to deliver facts and principles about what scientists have already discovered. Organized as one free-standing "module," the materials should offer real understanding of the nature of science, as well as providing an experience in generating and evaluating scientific evidence. Each month, Science publishes an essay by a recipient of the award, which explains the winning project. The essay about Aipotu will be published on July 27.

"We're trying to advance science education," says Bruce Alberts, editor-in-chief of Science. "This competition provides much-needed recognition to innovators in the field whose efforts promise significant benefits for students and for science literacy in general. The publication in Science of an article on each laboratory module will help guide educators around the globe to valuable free resources that might otherwise be missed."

After many hours of experiments in his parents' basement, White went on to MIT for his undergraduate work. Many of his classes were lectures, but by his junior year, he was able to take a class that had him in the lab all afternoon every day.

"I cooked up many harebrained experiments," White says. "In the lab, you learn problem-solving. Most of the time, what you attempt doesn't work, so you have to figure out why."

Throughout his education, White had some wonderful teaching experiences, he says, including at a science camp in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, where one of his students built a pinball machine that kept score. White said demonstrating the machine to the student's parents was an amazing moment, one of many that White had early on that drew him into education.

While working as a lab tech at Stanford, White saw an intriguing example of how a computer could be used to teach. Professor John Jungck had developed a genetics simulation that, instead of just showing an animation of a process, had students direct the process and witness how it worked. "You used it as a tool to figure out the answer. You had to use your wits all along the way," White says. "Once I saw that, I said, 'That is how to use computers to teach.'"

Luckily, although White's field is biology, he was able to work on his own computer simulation, having learned to program very early on. "I used to say that I was a recovering nerd, but I'm not really making strong efforts to recover," he says, laughing.

One of White's colleagues, computer scientist Ethan Bolker, helped White with the thorny issue of how to approximate the complex and three-dimensional process of folding proteins. When Bolder suggested a way to represent protein-folding in two dimensions, White was skeptical. He realized, however, that the simplification was necessary if students were going to have a chance at getting the big picture of a biological phenomenonconnecting genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and evolutionwithin a single course. Like on Star Trek, where travel at the speed of light is a given if the show is going to be at all interesting"otherwise, you can't get from planet to planet in a lifetime," White sayssome liberties had to be taken with regard to the biological processes Aipotu presents.

Showing the connections between genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution is White's primary objective, and he says using Aipotu, versus a real-life lab setting, enables it. The mechanisms represented in the Aipotu worldphenotype determination, color formation, protein folding and engineering a pure-breeding organism, for examplewould take years to experience in an actual lab. With Aipotu, students not only get to experience the processes and their interaction, but they find answers on their own about how the processes work.

"Aipotu software will never tell students the answer, but rather it acts as a tool that students learn to utilize in order to discover the answer," says Melissa McCartney, Science editorial fellow. "Perhaps most importantly, students are given freedom to explore their misconceptions of biology, especially with regard to evolutionary concepts." Such common misconceptions include the ideas that selection causes beneficial mutations, mutations are always deleterious and mutations cannot create new features.

It's not only White's students who can take advantage of Aipotu. Downloadable for free, it is available to anyone who would like to use it.

"What I learned from science was if you find a something good, you give it away and let someone else use it," White says, adding that teachers in general don't ever seem to have extra money for their classrooms, and their use of the software is simply easier for them if there are no license restrictions.

Still, White says, it has been hard to get the word out about Aipotu, and he hopes that his winning the IBI and having an essay published in Science will alert the science community about the software's existence.

"I think the Science article will be huge," White says, "because it's read by just the right kind of people."


To visit Aipotu, go to aipotu.umb.edu.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science (www.sciencemag.org) as well as Science Translational Medicine (www.sciencetranslationalmedicine.org) and Science Signaling (www.sciencesignaling.org). AAAS was founded in 1848 and includes some 261 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of 1 million. The non-profit AAAS (www.aaas.org) is open to all and fulfills its mission to "advance science and serve society" through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, public engagement, and more. For the latest research news, log onto EurekAlert!, www.eurekalert.org, the premier science-news Web site, a service of AAAS. See www.aaas.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Science magazine prize goes to virtual world where undergrads explore DNA [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 26-Jul-2012
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Natasha Pinol
American Association for the Advancement of Science

Computer simulation links genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution

When Brian White was a child, his kindergarten teacher wrote in his student record that he would only talk to the other children if the topic was science. Throughout his childhood, White's fascination with science led him to take batteries apart, blow things up, and to build radios and computer components.

Now an associate professor in the biology department at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, White is the winner of the Science Prize for Inquiry-Based Instruction (IBI). He won the award for his creation of Aipotu, a computer-simulated world in which students apply the tools of genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution to develop an understanding of the formation of color in a flower.

"What I'm trying to do is give people the tools to play around," says White, who explains that Aipotu is "utopia" backward. "What I've always liked about science is what you could do with what you learned."

Science's IBI Prize was developed to showcase outstanding materials, usable in a wide range of schools and settings, for teaching introductory science courses at the college level. The materials must be designed to encourage students' natural curiosity about how the world works, rather than to deliver facts and principles about what scientists have already discovered. Organized as one free-standing "module," the materials should offer real understanding of the nature of science, as well as providing an experience in generating and evaluating scientific evidence. Each month, Science publishes an essay by a recipient of the award, which explains the winning project. The essay about Aipotu will be published on July 27.

"We're trying to advance science education," says Bruce Alberts, editor-in-chief of Science. "This competition provides much-needed recognition to innovators in the field whose efforts promise significant benefits for students and for science literacy in general. The publication in Science of an article on each laboratory module will help guide educators around the globe to valuable free resources that might otherwise be missed."

After many hours of experiments in his parents' basement, White went on to MIT for his undergraduate work. Many of his classes were lectures, but by his junior year, he was able to take a class that had him in the lab all afternoon every day.

"I cooked up many harebrained experiments," White says. "In the lab, you learn problem-solving. Most of the time, what you attempt doesn't work, so you have to figure out why."

Throughout his education, White had some wonderful teaching experiences, he says, including at a science camp in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, where one of his students built a pinball machine that kept score. White said demonstrating the machine to the student's parents was an amazing moment, one of many that White had early on that drew him into education.

While working as a lab tech at Stanford, White saw an intriguing example of how a computer could be used to teach. Professor John Jungck had developed a genetics simulation that, instead of just showing an animation of a process, had students direct the process and witness how it worked. "You used it as a tool to figure out the answer. You had to use your wits all along the way," White says. "Once I saw that, I said, 'That is how to use computers to teach.'"

Luckily, although White's field is biology, he was able to work on his own computer simulation, having learned to program very early on. "I used to say that I was a recovering nerd, but I'm not really making strong efforts to recover," he says, laughing.

One of White's colleagues, computer scientist Ethan Bolker, helped White with the thorny issue of how to approximate the complex and three-dimensional process of folding proteins. When Bolder suggested a way to represent protein-folding in two dimensions, White was skeptical. He realized, however, that the simplification was necessary if students were going to have a chance at getting the big picture of a biological phenomenonconnecting genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and evolutionwithin a single course. Like on Star Trek, where travel at the speed of light is a given if the show is going to be at all interesting"otherwise, you can't get from planet to planet in a lifetime," White sayssome liberties had to be taken with regard to the biological processes Aipotu presents.

Showing the connections between genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology and evolution is White's primary objective, and he says using Aipotu, versus a real-life lab setting, enables it. The mechanisms represented in the Aipotu worldphenotype determination, color formation, protein folding and engineering a pure-breeding organism, for examplewould take years to experience in an actual lab. With Aipotu, students not only get to experience the processes and their interaction, but they find answers on their own about how the processes work.

"Aipotu software will never tell students the answer, but rather it acts as a tool that students learn to utilize in order to discover the answer," says Melissa McCartney, Science editorial fellow. "Perhaps most importantly, students are given freedom to explore their misconceptions of biology, especially with regard to evolutionary concepts." Such common misconceptions include the ideas that selection causes beneficial mutations, mutations are always deleterious and mutations cannot create new features.

It's not only White's students who can take advantage of Aipotu. Downloadable for free, it is available to anyone who would like to use it.

"What I learned from science was if you find a something good, you give it away and let someone else use it," White says, adding that teachers in general don't ever seem to have extra money for their classrooms, and their use of the software is simply easier for them if there are no license restrictions.

Still, White says, it has been hard to get the word out about Aipotu, and he hopes that his winning the IBI and having an essay published in Science will alert the science community about the software's existence.

"I think the Science article will be huge," White says, "because it's read by just the right kind of people."


To visit Aipotu, go to aipotu.umb.edu.

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is the world's largest general scientific society and publisher of the journal Science (www.sciencemag.org) as well as Science Translational Medicine (www.sciencetranslationalmedicine.org) and Science Signaling (www.sciencesignaling.org). AAAS was founded in 1848 and includes some 261 affiliated societies and academies of science, serving 10 million individuals. Science has the largest paid circulation of any peer-reviewed general science journal in the world, with an estimated total readership of 1 million. The non-profit AAAS (www.aaas.org) is open to all and fulfills its mission to "advance science and serve society" through initiatives in science policy, international programs, science education, public engagement, and more. For the latest research news, log onto EurekAlert!, www.eurekalert.org, the premier science-news Web site, a service of AAAS. See www.aaas.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2012-07/aaft-mp072012.php

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Two soldiers killed in blast in southeast Turkey

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Two Turkish soldiers were killed in the mainly Kurdish southeast on Friday when the vehicle they were traveling in was hit by a remote-controlled explosive, security sources said.

A third soldier and one civilian were also wounded in the attack, which occurred around 7 a.m. (0500 GMT) near the town of Lice in Diyarbakir province, they said.

Security officials blamed the attack on the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a 27-year campaign against the Turkish state in which 40,000 people, mainly Kurds, have died.

Explosives were buried in a road near military barracks and were set off by remote control when the vehicle carrying soldiers passed, the officials said.

Turkey, the European Union and the United States all list the PKK as a "terrorist" organization.

The PKK, based mainly in northern Iraq, has scaled back its demands for a Kurdish homeland for Turkey's 14 million Kurds to greater cultural rights and political autonomy.

(Reporting by Seyhmus Cakan, writing by Ayla Jean Yackley)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/two-soldiers-killed-blast-southeast-turkey-064427763.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Real Estate News ? What Is A Wet Basement On Buying Carlsbad ...

There really is no question over it: Carlsbad real estate is a superb avenue for the following investment. However, the way it always is using the industry, some investments are superior to others. If you?re really considering buying properties in this area, then you would certainly want to ensure that your investment will be enticing and dependable enough to entice buyers. If you want to live in the house yourself, you?ll definitely need to get one that won?t require repairs that may rack up the expenses. One of the very important points of the household is the basement, as it?s not necessarily only an important section of the foundation, but it may also show if you will discover any problems using the property that ought to have any major vehicle repairs. Here are some signs within the basement you could watch out for prior to deciding to sign on the dotted line.

Water stains on the ground or along the walls could mean trouble. Now it truly is perfectly possible that this was caused simply by overflowing laundry or perhaps a spill (although if your home is being shown by the realtor, that?s remarkably unlikely). That being said, water stains might also mean broken pipes that may cost plenty of money to accessibility and repair.

A damp smell usually means that trouble. This means that this moisture has been there for a short time, and it could be a result of rainwater seeping with the basement windows, or perhaps a problem with the plumbing systems. Independent of the obviously unpleasant stench, the repair costs could accumulate.

Mold can certainly be a deal-breaker for many prospective property potential buyers. Forever justification, far too. Mold will get management involving and could distribute through the total total property unseen. It can result in hypersensitivity as well as asthma suffering ailments as well as not forgetting spark a significant variety of injuries to the particular property?s fabrics and/or structural items. Although in the beginning virtually all mold instances are so visible (and legally, should be unveiled just before concluding to the property), it requires expert assessment to discover precisely how bad it can be.

These are just three signs that ought to raise some concerns when you?re looking to buy the Carlsbad real estate. These are also the reasons why you should get a trusted Carlsbad realtor to help you acquire a safe and reliable property as both a great living space and sound investment. His years of experience viewing houses (yes, including the basement) for both safety and stability will direct you to a property that you?ll be extremely happy with for decades to come. Get in touch with your trusted realtor and get started on acquiring your great piece of Carlsbad real estate today!

If you are considering purchasing Real Estate Property in Carlsbad? or should you need more information about anything, please don?t hesitate to contact me or visit Carlsbad Real Estate Blog Site.

Source: http://realnews.galanter.net/2012/07/26/what-is-a-wet-basement-on-buying-carlsbad-real-estate/

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Kids Get A Taste Of Sports At Hip Hop Girls Club ? Brand Newz

Ken Yuszkus/Staff photo

About 70 girls filled the gymnasium at Holten Richmond Middle School yesterday, shooting hoops and practicing dribbling, as part of the Recreation Department?s Hip Hop Girls Club.

The weeklong summer program includes some hip-hop dancing, but is mostly about sports. It?s designed to give girls ages 4 to 12 exposure to a wide variety of sports, while teaching them some new dance moves and offering a craft twice a day to keep them busy.

?We take girls from any town,? said the club?s director, Nancy Purcell. ?They come here, and they get to try any sport.?

Yesterday, girls from Danvers, Middleton, Beverly, Topsfield and Peabody were playing basketball, but they try a little of everything, including soccer, kickball and running in relay races. On Tuesday, the girls got a taste of gymnastics at Yellow Jackets Gymnastics in Middleton.

The opportunity for young girls to try various sports is important, Purcell said, especially for those who are not part of a sports program and are not playing on a youth team.

The 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. program, which costs $130, allows the girls to be active and meet others they might not normally meet, Purcell said.

Dance is a big part of the program, and high school-age girls studying at the Liza Indiciani Studio of Dance in Beverly volunteered for the week to help run the program and teach the younger kids some hip-hop, ballet and jazz.

While the emphasis is on trying different sports, the dancing is definitely popular with the kids.

?I like the hip-hop and the fact we get to dance in front of everyone,? said Julie Kee, 10, of Danvers.

Read complete article at Salem News?

Source: http://www.brandnewz.com/?p=12671

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24.9M Tablets Sold In Q2, With Apple?s Share Of That Now Over 68%, Says Strategy Analytics

new-ipad-black-640x480-jpeg-1One of the strong points in Apple's quarterly earnings report yesterday was sales of the iPad. Globally, they were up 52% by revenue and 84% by unit sales, respectively to $9 billion and 17 million.?In some new figures out today, Strategy Analytics notes that this translates to an increase in overall tablet market share for the company: Apple now controls 68.3% of the market, compared to 62% in Q2 a year ago, in an overall tablet market that saw shipments of 24.9 million units. So much for analyst predictions: here's one (of several) that had forecast a decline in Apple's market share. So why the reversal? It looks like the competition that many had been expecting to give Apple a run for its money has failed to materialize. But while Apple's market share is the best it's been in years, Strategy Analytics also cautions that overall the market has also witnessed its?slowest growth rate since the first iPad launched in Q2 2010, a result of a slowdown in the global economy, it says.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/2YnYYMCwVIg/

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Learnings from the Jazz Ensemble, Dance Troupe, Marriage ...

The human library has its roots in the city library of Malmo, Sweden, which allows curious visitors to check out living people for a 45-minute conversation. The experience is designed to confront prejudices and promote understanding. The people available to be ?checked out? included a gypsy, a transvestite, a blind man, a journalist and an animal rights activist, and the conversation allows people to learn about the life and beliefs of an individual that had been misunderstood, stereotyped and often avoided.

Prophet?s version of a human library is designed to provide inspiration to a team that wants to develop a big innovation, improve an offering or user experience, enhance a brand relationship, or improve a sales or marketing program. With context and objective in place, a wide array of human ?books? that are relevant but tangential to the context are purposefully selected to create unexpected sources of insight.

An apparel manufacturer found that its multi-product sales team was delivering an inconsistent and redundant customer interface because its ability to coordinate and cooperate was deficient. A human library experience focusing on partnership and teaming helped them revise their culture and system so that they could be more effective, particularly with a significant national retailer. In this example, there were four ?books.?

A jazz ensemble helped the firm explore the dynamics of communication and flexibility. How do jazz musicians develop enough cohesiveness as a team so that they maintain a cohesive sound, even when they went ?off script? in jam sessions? How, when improvising, could each member of the musical ensemble know when to throw a solo from one player to another, and how could others read cues to know when a solo might be thrown their way? Answers to these questions suggest how a team can have enough knowledge and intimacy so that it can align and be capable of adjusting even in the face of a changing environment.

A dance troupe helped the firm explore the relationship dynamics of partnerships and trust. During their conversation, one of the dancers said, ?When I do a lift, my partner has to believe that if I were to drop her I would also do everything in my power to break her fall and protect her. I would let her fall on me before I would let her hit the ground.? This comment led to the question, ?How do you build a level of trust so that you know have full confidence that someone has your back and is protecting the mutual interests of the team??

A marriage counselor helped the firm explore how relationships change over time, and how you manage those changes constructively. The counselor pointed out that relationships change naturally over time, from the honeymoon phase to the familiar phase? and they need different things at different times to maintain a high level of engagement and closeness. This insight led to a realization that even the best relationship dynamics change over time and catalyzed a discussion around how to stay adaptable as the relationship expectations change.

A chef & sous-chef helped the firm explore the dynamics of delegation and efficiency. In their conversation, the team explored the question: ?How does the chef set the strategy or ?menu? and delegate some aspects of that to the remainder of the team for execution?? The conversations were ultimately about how to foster trust among all members of the team ? up and down the chain of command. What?s the right development plan for your team, and how do you trust them to execute against your vision once you?ve set the strategy?

The human library employs the classic creative thinking approach of lateral thinking?looking at the problem with a fresh new perspective that is removed from the context but highly relevant to the objective or problem. It really works.

Geof Hammond, Innovation Director at Prophet, contributed to this piece.?

Source: http://theinspiratory.com/2012/07/25/learnings-from-the-jazz-ensemble-dance-troupe-marriage-counselor-chef/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=learnings-from-the-jazz-ensemble-dance-troupe-marriage-counselor-chef

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