Friday, July 13, 2012

Is a Wedding Planner Right for You? | All About Wedding

Did you know that only 15-19% of brides use a professional wedding planner to help them with wedding planning, according to statistics from the Bridal Association of America and The Frisky? While the majority of brides don?t use a wedding planner, it might be more appropriate for you to use one than you might think.

There?s no denying that planning a wedding is stressful and can be difficult to do while balancing a relationship, work, and other obligations in your life. But many brides get through wedding planning without a wedding planner. So how do you know whether a professional wedding planner is right for you? If you?re in one of the following situations, you might look into hiring pro to help you plan your wedding:

You know what you want but don?t even know where to start. If you?ve always dreamed of your wedding day and have some idea of what you want as far as the look, feel, colors, dresses, and other details, you?re off to a good beginning. But if you have no idea how to start wedding planning (hint, it usually begins with budgeting.), a wedding planner can certainly help.

You have no idea what you want. If you know you want a beautiful wedding but can?t pin down any of the details of your overall look and feel, consider hiring a wedding planner to aid you with great ideas and a fresh perspective.

The very thought of planning a wedding stresses you out. For some brides, the thought of wedding planning is itself incredibly stressful. If you don?t hold up well under pressure and want to be able to enjoy a stress-free wedding and pre-wedding time, then a wedding planner can certainly help you get rid of some of the stress of the wedding planning process.

You?re trying to plan a wedding from out of town. Planning a wedding from out of town can be particularly stressful, and it can be a good idea to coordinate with a wedding planner based in the town where the wedding will take place. A planner can take care of all the details that are more difficult to do from far away, and you?ll be able to rest assured that your wedding will be properly planned.

Your schedule is so jam-packed that you can?t find time to plan your wedding. If you have a demanding career or an otherwise stressful schedule, then hiring a wedding planner to help with the details can be wise. Brides spend several hours a week on wedding details, especially as the wedding day approaches. If you don?t have this kind of time, hire a wedding planner to do most of the planning for you.

The wedding planning process has caused stress in family relationships. Wedding planning and the etiquette involved with it can be very stressful for family relationships. If you feel like you need help navigating these relational strains during the wedding planning process, a professional wedding planner can help smooth out some of the rough edges that planning a wedding can create.

You?re planning a destination wedding. Planning a destination wedding may require a wedding planner who is familiar with the extra details necessary to a wedding in your destination. For instance, how do you become legally married during a destination wedding? These weddings, even if very small, can be more stressful to plan, and a wedding planner can help.

You need to plan a wedding on a tight budget. This might seem surprising, but hiring a wedding planner may actually be able to save you money on your wedding. If you?re not a huge do-it-yourself craftier, a wedding planner can help you come up with ideas for an affordable wedding that still gives you the look you want.

How to Afford a Wedding Planner

One of the great secrets that many individuals don?t know about hiring a professional wedding planner is that, actually, they can be quite affordable, depending on what you need. Obviously, wedding planning services that take care of every detail of your big day will be more expensive than those for just a few of the major details or for day-of services alone. But most wedding planners will have a variety of customizable packages available for brides to choose from, making it more likely that the services of a wedding planner will fit into your wedding budget.

If you?re getting started with wedding planning before you?ve saved much money for the affair, consider using a credit card for the initial wedding planner fees. Several cards on the list at offer excellent benefits that are particularly beneficial for couples planning a wedding. While you probably don?t want to charge every expense for your wedding, charging the initial cost of a wedding planner can help you save money on your wedding, while saving your sanity.

Daniela Baker contributed this post.? Visit her blog at CreditDonkey.

Tags: hiring a wedding planner, how to afford a wedding planner, when to hire a wedding planner


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